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Sun Child paints a stormy yet beautiful soundscape on "Waves"

Jonnica Hill
The latest single from Florida's beachy indie-folk ensemble Sun Child.

Waves” is the latest single from Florida’s Sun Child. Initially a solo project of singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Brooke Garwood, Sun Child is now an impressive indie folk ensemble.

The group recently signed with the Nashville-based Cloverdale Records and released three singles in 2024, each building on a breezy, beachy feel and swirling with introspective, poetic lyrics. “Waves” paints a stormy yet beautiful picture of emotional turmoil following heartbreak.

“Waves is inspired by going through a tough breakup, allowing yourself to be aware of and feel your emotions and knowing it will take time to repair. It’s about learning to love yourself through the good and bad sides of your healing. This is fitting with the theme of the album - self-discovery and healing. Healing sound bowls are incorporated into the song, adding to the effect of slowing down & putting you in a peaceful state.” - Brooke Garwood

Q&A with Brooke from Sun Child:

Q: “What was the writing/recording process like? What was most challenging? What was the most rewarding?”

A: “The writing process was very healing, I wrote it during a time of introspection after going through a heartbreak. It was something I needed for myself to get me through it and have the words as a constant reminder that everything will be okay. The recording process was super fun. We ended up adding a piano section that we didn't intend to before going into the studio. I think it makes the entire song!”

Q: “What do you hope listeners take away?”

A: “The chorus of 'Waves' is a reflection of what I want listeners to take away from the song: ‘Wait, before you try - slow your body, slow your mind. When you're feeling scared, don't be sorry - it'll take time to repair.’ Knowing that time heals all, and it's okay to feel your emotions and you don't need to apologize for them. It can feel like the end of the world when you're grieving something but knowing that time is on your side.”

Find "Waves" & more new music on The Jam Archives playlist:

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